I hereby Certify I am an duly Elected CC2009 Delegate: *

I AGREE with the proposed "Agenda & Schedule of Events"
which establishes the base schedule/timetable, content, objectives
and deliberative process for the CC2009 proceedings
(Recently posted, 10-27-09): *
I AGREE with the Vision/Strategy framework for CC2009: *
Please choose the best answer for each question.
 Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly DisagreeN/A
The schedule/timetable is about right given the time/cost constraints and the deliberative process to be executed
The event content and process appears balanced so as to achieve all stated goals for CC2009
The daily timetable & activity flow should be attainable
The overall deliberative process for the Delegates & Congress as whole is adequately designed to support the objectives
Although initially focused on a number of key, well-Petitioned Violations of the Constitution, the draft process expressly provides for the introduction and full consideration of additional subjects
The draft process should result in a formal Record of Constitutional Violations and Failed Petitions necessary to morally and lawfully justify further peaceful curative actions by the People
The draft process should result in a potent set of Remedial Instructions to be directed at various government officials
The draft process should result in specific Remedial Resolutions the People can take individually and en masse to secure Redress
The draft deliberative process creates NO barrier for the introduction and full consideration of Remedial Resolutions potentially applicable against BOTH state and federal entities
The draft CC2009 deliberative process creates NO barrier for the introduction and full consideration of alternative, even highly controversial, Remedial Resolutions
The CC2009 will achieve a signifcant milestone in the peaceful restoration of Liberty and Constitutional Order
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